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I belong to the world of literature, to the realm of scripts. However, I've come to realize that, powerful as they may be, words alone are not sufficient to achieve my dreams. Now, I strive to engage more with visuals, aiming to tell in the best possible way all those stories that swirl in my mind

Guio No Mori = Guio's forest

Colour Work

Untitled_Artwork 1 2.png

Digital art pieces

Created in Davinci Resolve. Resources from various websites such as actionvfx and blendermarket.

Created in Davinci Resolve. Resources from various websites such as actionvfx and blendermarket.

Created in Blender. Resources from  blendermarket, veryveig and shot deck.

Tutorial on YouTube: Endless driving loop - Blender tutorial (Geometry Nodes)



Figure Drawing



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